Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another day, another stellar review

Over at the APOOO Book Club, Jennifer Coissiere wrote a wonderful review of Go, Tell Michelle. Jennifer was moved to tears by Peggy's letter:

There were two letters that brought tears to my eyes. The first one was the letter written by Peggy Bertram. I was reading it aloud to my daughter and almost did not make it to the end.

Another example of the impact the book has had on readers. Thank you for sharing your experience with the book, Jennifer.


  1. I'm happy that APOOO Exchange, the review team of which I am co-editor has embraced this book that I am a part of. Look out for anotheer great review.

  2. Fantastic. We are all waiting for it. This is quite a wonderful experience and there is much more to come.

  3. Congratulation
    I can't wait to read it

    PC Johnson
